
Launching the Clean Thames Action Plan

Last week I was pleased to host the Port of London (PLA)  in Parliament to launch the Clean Thames Action Plan.  We are so lucky to have the River Thames on our doorstep and it is thanks to the PLA that we can enjoy it. 

The Spring Budget Debate

Last year, the government cut your National Insurance from 12% to 10%. This week the Chancellor announced we are your National Insurance again from 10% to 8%. That’s a £900 tax cut for people on average salaries.

Draft Mental Health Bill

As Minister for Mental Health, I brought forward a review to the outdated Mental Health Act with a promise it would be reformed. Five years later and we are still awaiting this much needed reform.

King's Speech Debate

This week MPs debated the King’s speech. I spoke about the need for mental health reform and the ongoing challenges regarding Healthcare across South Essex. Thurrock has suffered from the under provision of GP services for decades now.

Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column


As Armistice day and Remembrance Sunday approach, we reflect on how much we owe to those who fought to keep our country free. We should never take for granted the freedoms we enjoy and that so many gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend.


Ending the Nuisance of ‘Just Stop Oil’

Residents and motorists across Thurrock endured repeated disruption thanks to the nuisance tactics from the ‘Just Stop Oil’ agitators.  They caused misery for many thousands of us who were just going about our daily lives.


Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

Throughout my time as Thurrock’s Member of Parliament, I have constantly lobbied Government to get the best I can for Thurrock. And too often, Thurrock Council has failed to deliver what has been promised. The recent Government inspection has identified the serious failings in delivery. 

Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

Last week, we witnessed a furore over the pay award for Thurrock Council’s senior staff and a proposal that the 4% pay rise be withdrawn given the financial difficulties being faced by the Council. 


Jackie's Thurrock Gazette Column

We often hear reference to ‘underfunding’ when discussing public services. It suggests that everything would be rosy if only the stingy old Government would just give out a bit more money. If only life were that simple.