My inbox has been overwhelmed with support for the people of Ukraine. It is heartening an reassuring to see the compassion and goodwill from so many people.
I often talk about the quiet majority. On social media you find that the most noise is made by those who want to be negative and mean-spirited. For them this country is going to hell in a handcart. But for most of us however challenging life gets, we know we are in a more fortunate position than so many others throughout the world.
There are many ways you can help. Collections of physical items are less helpful as they need to be processed at the other end. We have been asked to raise cash so that the Government of Ukraine can buy what it needs. You can donate at DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal | Disasters Emergency Committee The British Government has matched the first £25m of donations. Just £30 could provide essential hygiene supplies for three people for one month; £50 could provide blankets for four families and £100 could provide emergency food for two families for one month.
Closer to home, Ukraine supplies many of the World’s seafarers and they pass through our Ports daily. As you can imagine they are very anxious about the fate of their families that they have left behind. QVSR at Tilbury Seafarers centre are supplying them with top up credits for their phones so that they can stay in contact. Just £10 will make all the difference.
We have proved that we are a humanitarian nation over the last two weeks. But I must level with you. It will get worse before it gets better and it will not be without economic hardship for us in this country. But for good to triumph over evil we must stand together. Slava Ukrainie. #standwithukraine