No one can fail to have been inspired by the brave leadership of President Zelensky of the Ukraine. And no one can fail to be inspired by the pride and courage they have shown fighting Russia. It hasn’t been as easy as President Putin thought it might be. I was very proud to see the pictures of Boris Johnson walking through Kyiv with the President. And pleased to hear Zelensky’s thanks for the support from the UK.
We have supplied more weaponry than any other country. It is reported that when each rocket is fired there is a shout of ‘God Save the Queen’. I had the honour of meeting the Ukraine ambassador recently and he proudly showed me his union jack socks. The solidarity we are showing the Ukraine has not gone unnoticed and is much appreciated.
A big shout out to Ensign buses who have been involved in transporting medical aid to Poland for onward transmission. I am aware that other local businesses have done their bit too. Our logistics businesses here in Thurrock can always be relied upon to step up and be counted when they are needed. I am very proud of them. Britain can be proud again that it is on the side of freedom and democracy.
We will support Ukraine with supplies and solidarity. For Ukraine though the cost is huge. In lives lost. In people fleeing. In destruction of buildings and businesses. Morally we must continue to do the best we can for them. And remind ourselves just how lucky we are to live in this great country.
Slava Ukraini – Glory to Ukraine