Most of us get involved in politics because we have strong beliefs about what is best for our country. When we are elected to Parliament we have special responsibilities towards our constituents but our first responsibility is to the Nation.
So it is a real honour to have been appointed as the Minister for Care and Mental Health. Theresa May has made mental health a clear priority and we have a lot to deliver. I am in a position to deliver real change for the better. That... is why I got involved in politics in the first place.
But in politics we have to do what is right. And that is not always what is popular with public opinion. I will always be honest and frank about the challenges that face us.
Which brings me to Orsett hospital. I want to see new state of the art facilities in Thurrock Hospital (grays), Purfleet and Tilbury. I don’t think that people should be forced to go to Orsett when it isn’t especially accessible to people without cars. I would rather they be treated in newer better facilities closer to their homes. What is wrong with that?
I am sorry that the Labour Party has peddled fear of losing Orsett hospital when it has been aware all along about clear plans to renew NHS facilities.