Jackie Doyle-Price welcomed students from Gateway Academy to receive their handprints which had been collected to draw attention to the Red Hand for child soldier’s campaign.
There are still about 250,000 children which are used in wars. In order to protest against this plight hundreds and thousands of red hand prints have been collected in over 50 countries worldwide by the charity with the campaign continuing. Once the handprints have been made it is the aim of the charity for them to be given to a politician or celeb with the request to advocate on behalf of child soldiers.
Jackie said, “I am really glad that Gateway students are thinking about this important issue. As I have said to them, we can ofen forget how lucky we are to live in this country. For many people of their age elsewhere in the world, the reality is much different. Often children have no choice but to bear arms. In Syria, we can be sure that children are in armed combat. I have met people in Bosnia who were using guns at the age of just 12.
It was also pleasing to hear just how politically engaged they all were. I commend Gateway academy for initiating this project.”