Transport Minister Robert Goodwill has met with Thurrock MP Jackie Doyle-Price to explain the plans for the implementation of Freeflow charging at the Dartford crossing. The scheme will be introduced in October and will see the toll booths removed with tolls being collected electronically, in the same way as the congestion charge is collected in London.
The introduction of Freeflow will however need appropriate traffic management at the south side approach to the tunnels to prevent oversized HGVs from approaching the wrong bore. following the removal of the toll booths this will be achieved by a sequence of traffic lights.
Jackie said, "I am very impressed with the plans to implement Freeflow charging. As I spend so much time challenging the department of transport and the Highways agency, it is nice to have a good news story for a change."
The Minister also confirmed that the implementation of Freeflow does not negate the need for another Lower Thames crossing. The crossing is currently operating beyond capacity and although Freeflow will increase capacity overall, it is still expected to be operating beyond capacity at peak times."
Jackie said, "Those who pretend that the introduction of free flow will solve all our traffic problems are kidding themselves and ducking the question as to where a new Lower Thames crossing should be sited. The failure by Thurrock council to engage in this debate beyond saying 'none of the above' has meant that everyone else can trample all over us.
It is clear that since my debate in Parliament the Minister has reflected on the very real challenge I gave to option A. It is also clear that officials are looking at the impact on the M25 and the A13. It isn't too late for Thurrock to address the absence of leadership it has shown on this issue. The council has highways engineers and environmental health officers. I don't. I have fought this as best I can but the failure of the council to marshal detailed arguments against these proposals has meant that I have been doing it with one hand tied behind my back."