Jackie Doyle-Price welcomed all remaining staff of Thurrock’s CAB to Westminster to thank them for all the work they do for the community in Thurrock.
The staff still do not know whether they will still have jobs as Thurrock Council has failed to confirm any future funding. It means that the bureau is likely to close in a matter of weeks
Jackie said, “Thurrock Council has installed placemen on the Board of Trustees who have run the organisation into the ground. There is no governance and I question whether the current Board has any legitimacy to make a decision which will leave residents in Thurrock without access to free advice. The bureau helps 8000 people each year. On any measure that has to be good value for money. Without the council grant it cannot access funding from other sources.
I can’t help but think that the agenda is political. The CAB has been at the forefront of challenging Thurrock Council for its highly unfair and aggressive pursuit of council tax collection, which has seen some highly questionable practices towards vulnerable people. Thurrock Council officers have found some of that challenge quite uncomfortable and are shooting the messenger by closing down the service.
It is quite despicable. Thurrock residents need access to the advice that the CAB provide. Without it we can anticipate greater indebtedness which will cause greater costs to Thurrock Council in the long run.
I pay tribute to the staff who have served the people of Thurrock so professionally. They and the public are being ill-served by the pettiness of Thurrock Council. I hope that people remember this when they come to cast their votes in May.”