Jackie Doyle-Price encourages women to be screened for cervical cancer
It is Cervical Cancer prevention week and Jackie Doyle-Price is supporting Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to tackle the myths and stigma around the common virus HPV and to get the facts out. Across the UK, cervical screening is moving to testing for HPV1 first. Testing for HPV is a far more accurate test estimated to prevent almost 500 diagnoses of cervical cancer every year. Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is running its #SmearForSmear campaign during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (20-26 January) to tackle the misconceptions about the virus.
Jackie said: “Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus. 80% of us will get at least one type of HPV in our lives and in most cases the immune system will get rid of the infection without it causing any harm. Sometimes though it causes cells to change which, if not treated, could develop into cervical cancer. It is important that women take advantage of the screening. It could quite literally save their life”.