On Saturday I had an enjoyable afternoon at the Thurrock Rugby club. I never fail to be impressed at the commitment of the volunteers who keep the club going.
What is impressive is the level of ambition that they have for maximising the use of the asset for the community.
The truth is that the area around the Rugby club is a missed opportunity for sport.
One of the reasons why I worked so hard to champion free schools in Thurrock was to give parents and children real choice between schools. You see every school is different. William Edwards has long had a strong focus on sport for example. So whether it is Harris or Hathaway, Ormiston or Ockendon, Grays Convent or Gateway, all have a different offering.
With more schools coming down the track, that choice will be even greater.
The new Orsett Heath academy which is being run by the same leadership as William Edwards will sit adjacent to the Rugby club. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a school could have access to some of the best sporting facilities which could also be shared with the community? I think so.
We know that people enjoy better health if they exercise. We know also that obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure reduce life expectancy and can be addressed through more physical exercise.
So over to you Thurrock Council. How about a sports strategy to promote good physical health? How about the development of a sporting centre of excellence in North Grays? Lets show some real ambition and imagination.